Gluten free pasta

Tecalit has developed a reliable technology for Gluten Free Pasta production, in order to respond to the growing demand for diet products, and healthy and high quality products for customers with celiac disease.

The BT COOKER technology developed by Tecalit improves the rheological characteristics of gluten free pasta.

BT Cooker

The BT COOKER technology allows to gelatinize native gluten free flours in a continuous process

Thanks to its flexibility and easy adaptation of the cooking conditions to the characteristics of the raw materials and of the final product to be obtained, the BT COOKER technology allows to mix various types of gluten free flour guaranteeing excellent structure and firmness of the pasta.

Flexibility and quality assurance

Possibility to use different types of floursuch as corn, rice, quinoa, legumes, peas, chickpeas, beans, buckwheat, lentils, sorghum, amaranth, whole rice, millet, etc… using native flours and simply mixing them with water.

The BT COOKER technology does not require any additives or emulsifiers in the cooking process, ensuringhigh-quality healthy rroducts, with lower production costs.


Adaptability of BT COOKER to all types of lines, like short, long, nest, couscous, specials.

Production capacity ranging from 200 to 3000 kg/hThe BT COOKER technology can be integrated with existing production lines thereby adapting them to produce gluten free pasta.

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