



The purpose of grinding is to obtain a homogeneous product with precise granulometric characteristics. This product must meet the high standards of the customer in order to obtain a final product of high quality.

Tecalit offers complete plants for cleaning, storage, grinding and sieving.

Our plants are characterized by high standards of quality and efficiency.


Use of anti-contaminationnoble materials, easy cleaning and maintenance, increase the yield of the plant and ensure durability and waste reduction.

Sturdy structures resistant to stress, sifting through vibratory motion for proper use and partition of the product.


Complete plants with capacity from small producers to large continuous production plants with several production lines in constant operation.

Plants for waste recovery allow to use the product at 100% avoiding unnecessary waste.


Small plants for grinding and pre-mixing for additives allow the use of different raw materials and additives.

Tecalit aims to offer an increasingly complete service at 360 ° to stand as a single point of reference for the end customer by combining the best of different technologies.


Tecalit, 100% Made in Italy

High manufacturing standard

Tailor-made projects based on the client’s needs.

Modular accessories that can be installed on existing plants to improve efficiency and productivity.

Suitable for a wide range of food products

Control electronics of primary Italian brand


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Visit us at:
IFT (Chicago,U.S.A.)
stand 2082

Visit us at:
Snackex (Stockholm, Sweden)
stand 202