



Designed and built directly by Tecalit elevators for food conveying.

Used mainly for the transport of pasta but also suitable for a wide range of products.

Excellent investment for existing plants, design is made upon customer specifications.

The kinematic motion is composed of primary brand geared motors that drive the movement, and are controlled by a control panel with touch screen.

Through chains with pins the ABS cups, produced on molds designed by Tecalit, transport the product with the possibility to unload on different points and with always present an emergency unloading.


Wide range of configurations

Motion sensors allow continuous monitoring of the movement, emergency blocks ensure the safety of the plant.

Designed to work in continuous cycle, our elevators require little maintenance and ensure long lasting operation over the years.

The buckets can be completely in ABS or with stainless steel mesh in full compliance with CE standards and food contact.


Conveyor belts

Tecalit builds conveyor belts connecting the various parts of the machines depending on the product to be transported

Belts made of rubbery material suitable for contact with food, with the possibility of positioning in horizontal or inclined, depending on the point of collection and point of release of the product.

Specially designed for easy maintenance and belt change.


Tecalit, 100% Made in Italy

High manufacturing standard

Tailor-made projects based on the client’s needs.

Modular accessories that can be installed on existing plants to improve efficiency and productivity.

Suitable for a wide range of food products

Control electronics of primary Italian brand


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